Renewable energy – time to think small

Sir, – The Government has eventually come around to considering supports for self-generated renewable electricity from the likes of small wind turbines and roof solar panels. This is an important, albeit belated step, for Ireland. Most other EU countries have such supports in place for the last 15 to 20 years. Ireland is late. Ireland is one of the worst performers in Europe regarding carbon emissions. If the Government get these new supports right, we could all get involved in playing our part in contributing to Ireland’s renewable energy future.

But the Government will only get it right if we give them a push. A big push. There is a consultation period open at the website (micro-generation scheme) until February 18th. The consultation is seeking citizen feedback to "help inform the delivery of the scheme". Having waited 20 years for this, it will be important that the scheme is meaningful and not just a meagre Irish gesture towards tackling climate change, so as good energy citizens we need to give the feedback that the scheme must to be strong, with effective funding to empower the change we all need to make to ensure Ireland meets its climate commitments.

This is our chance to change the old mantra from “No to wind” to “Yes to wind”. – Yours, etc,



Chartered Engineer,

Mullingar, Co Westmeath.