Religious teaching in schools

Madam, - Anthony Sheridan, describing himself as "an aggressive secularist", demands that state schools funded by taxpayers …

Madam, - Anthony Sheridan, describing himself as "an aggressive secularist", demands that state schools funded by taxpayers be free of any religious "indoctrination". I, on the other hand, being merely a meek Christian, but also, as it happens, a taxpayer, would like to think that the taxes which I pay might be used to educate my children as I think fit.

Some small level of relevant research by Mr Sheridan will, I believe, allow him to establish that a large majority of Irish parents still wish their children to benefit from religious education as part of the general school curriculum. Since Mr Sheridan believes children should not receive such education, it is open to him and those who share his views to set up schools according to their wishes.

Such schools would be entirely funded by the sponsors in the same way as Mr Sheridan proposes for those operating a Catholic ethos. - Yours, etc,

BRIAN SREWART, Forest Hills, Knocknacarra, Galway.