Reaction to citizenship referendum result

Madam, - Any reasonable person would think that, having been soundly thrashed by 4 to 1 in the recent citizenship referendum, …

Madam, - Any reasonable person would think that, having been soundly thrashed by 4 to 1 in the recent citizenship referendum, the losers would have enough sense and good manners to accept defeat. However, to judge by your Letters columns, the No campaigners are still in denial.

Before the referendum they complained about the race issue, but they were the ones who played the race card.

They complained about the lack of consultation when the Government was about to embark on the highest form of consultation possible - a referendum of all the people. What they should have said was that they objected that they had not been consulted in advance.

This kind of arrogance suggests they think their views are more acceptable than the views of "ordinary voters". Maybe we should attach a special status to their votes in future referendums to indicate their compliance with politically correct dogma.


They also complained about the lack of debate and discussion leading up to the referendum. They fail to see that they themselves are responsible for this because it has not been possible to have a proper debate on immigration/asylum these past three years because of the politically correct extremists in their own ranks. It is a very brave person who risks being branded a racist by expressing views that do not conform with the the new testament of the PC hierarchy.

However PC people are never wrong and always right and are very much in denial at the moment. This result, however, should encourage more people to stand up to this very loud minority. - Is mise,

HARRY ROBERTS, Stameen, Drogheda, Co Louth.