Problems with fluoride

Sir, – Your article detailing the research by Prof Sabine Rohrmann on the effects of the calcium pill on cardiovascular health…

Sir, – Your article detailing the research by Prof Sabine Rohrmann on the effects of the calcium pill on cardiovascular health was most interesting (“Calcium pill raises heart attack risk in women”, Home News, May 24th). It appears that what Prof Rohrmann is suggesting is that calcium taken in supplement form will elevate calcium in the blood serum, causing changes that may produce hard deposits on the walls of arteries.

It is well established that the substance which most affects calcium in the human body is fluoride, consumed by individuals who drink fluoridated water, which is provided under State law to all consumers in Ireland. We are, it should be pointed out, the only country in Europe to pursue this dangerous policy.

Prof Rohramm’s research should, however, be looked at in context with further peer reviewed research published in the Nuclear Medicine Communication Journal in January, 2012, which found that fluoride was the main factor in calcification of the major arteries, including coronary arteries in humans.

That is to say, you will have greater calcification of the human arteries and increased risk of coronary disease with increased exposure to fluoride and higher fluoride concentrations in your blood plasma.


It is interesting to note that Ireland has one of the highest incidence of cardiovascular illness in the world and coincidentally we are the most fluoridated society on the planet with almost 80 per cent of the entire population now forced to drink fluoridated water or cook food in fluoridated water.

As far back as 1961, Dr Feltmann published the findings of 14 years of research into the effects of fluoride on humans in the Journal of Dental Medicine and found that exposure to fluoride caused increased incidence of gastrointestinal problems, neurological illness and skin disorders as well as causing hypothyroidism amongst consumers. All conditions that are now widely prevalent among the Irish population at large.

It is deeply disturbing therefore to read HSE statistics which now show that over 770,000 people in Ireland suffer from neurological illness, the highest incidence of the disease recorded anywhere in the world.

It’s about time we all learnt the facts about fluoride and followed our partners in Europe in providing fluoride-free water to consumers. – Yours, etc,


Partnership for Change,

O’Dohertys Road,

Bandon, Co Cork.