Sir, The visit of our President to England was a great success

Sir, The visit of our President to England was a great success. Mrs Robinson achieved an incredible audience of people who were simply amazed that Ireland had a President who looked well, spoke articulately, and had the confidence to assume her role in their society. It was a great feeling to be of Irish descent in London during her visit.

The contrast was strange indeed to view during that week, between these foreigners and those who, supposedly, represent a section of the Irish people, but who encourage fear and hatred and division, who cannot create a presence without the threat of violence, who have such a low opinion of themselves and their followers that people cannot understand their motives. Do they have one, apart from destroying every opportunity for the trite Irishman to meet his English counterpart on a par?

Henry Ford was correct, most of history is written with bias to the home side. It is people who are important, not as they were in days long gone, but as they are today.

Let us hope that the soul of goodness will break through, as demonstrated by our elected President last week. Yours, etc., Lodge Park, Straffan, Co. Kildare.