Practical Science

Sir, - Your report on the recommendations of the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment regarding the Leaving Cert (The…

Sir, - Your report on the recommendations of the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment regarding the Leaving Cert (The Irish Times, September 11th) certainly renews my faith in the Irish mindset.

The main thrust of the proposals is obvious and well researched: the introduction of practical science exams at Leaving Cert level. I believe it is vital, if Irish qualifications are to gain any true measure of international credibility, that these tests be introduced as soon as possible so that the Leaving Cert can be a more practical measure of all-round ability in scientific disciplines and a true foot-up into a degree or diploma course.

However, the other proposals mentioned in your article are merely window-dressing with very little substance - perhaps included only to emphasise the import of practical exams in science subjects. For instance, the NCCA's mention of the "best international standards" is laughable in conjunction with increased dependency on course and project work. Would these "standards" in course work be the ridiculed GPA metric from American schools? Or would they be similar standards to the project work that caused the English system to reduce the level of an "A" grade to a mere 70 per cent?

The proposals cannot be taken seriously in this context without massive funding, strict guidelines, and a gumption that has been lacking in Irish education for the past few decades.


It seems that when an Irish group flies a "kite" it provides enough hot air to allow it to soar. - Yours, etc.,

Alexander Bowie, Highthorn Park, Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin.