Phoenix Park and Chesterfield Avenue

Sir, – With full sympathy for those people visiting the Dublin Zoo without adequate parking facilities (Letters, April 23rd), I would like to comment on a further aspect of this matter. Chesterfield Avenue, architecturally designed by Decimus Burton, gives the feeling of space and welcome to the Phoenix Park. It is my belief that it is a protected structure and the Office of Public Works should not have been allowed to implement destructive changes. Now edged on either side by a line of spiky poles, the original broad sweep of the avenue is reduced to a narrow middle claustrophobic lane no wider than a rear back laneway. It is aesthetically appalling! In order to provide enhanced cyclist and pedestrian facilities, was it necessary to carve up this impressive road? Office of Public Works, it is not impossible to undo this shambles and to give us back our familiar and classical, well-loved Chesterfield Avenue. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 7.