PD tax-cutting promises

Madam, - The Progressive Democrats' promise to cut taxes by €5 billion a year, should they return to power, reflects a disappointing…

Madam, - The Progressive Democrats' promise to cut taxes by €5 billion a year, should they return to power, reflects a disappointing absence of leadership.

At a time when, among other problems, our health system is in crisis, our transport system is wholly inadequate and our educational system is seriously underfunded, it is disappointing that the best the PDs can do in an attempt to cling to power is to make headline-grabbing promises that no-one is asking for.

I for one am happy for my intended tax cut to be given to the most vulnerable members of society, such as older people in geriatric care who receive a paltry weekly allowance, or children in schools and residential areas where facilities are wholly inadequate. - Yours, etc,

MICHAEL AHERN, Weston Park, Lucan, Co Dublin.