Parents and teachers

Madam, - I was appalled by comments attributed to Mr Sean Cottrell (Irish Primary Principals' Network) in the article "Education…

Madam, - I was appalled by comments attributed to Mr Sean Cottrell (Irish Primary Principals' Network) in the article "Education by Association" (July 29th).

The fundamental message of the closing anecdote is "children are liars". Isn't this the outmoded and dangerous presumption that underlies and has been exposed by all the institutional abuse cases that are now coming to light? He also prescribes a very restricted role for parents' associations - "Parents should support the aims and objectives of the school" . I would suggest that parents be party to formulating those aims and objectives; they would then be far more amenable to supporting them.

However, the scariest thing of all is his comment that "besides the staff, parents are the single biggest asset to a school" - the CHILDREN don't even get a mention. Mr Cottrell is clearly not a fan of child-centred education. I wish Geraldine Graydon (National Parents' Council) all the best - she has a hard road ahead of her. - Yours etc.,

BRIDGET CARLIN, Derrygoolin, Coose, Whitegate, Co Clare.