Opinion poll findings

Madam, - It is perhaps not surprising that when the Irish Times /TNS mrbi poll shows a hefty dip in support for Brian Cowen, …

Madam, - It is perhaps not surprising that when the Irish Times/TNS mrbi poll shows a hefty dip in support for Brian Cowen, Fine Gael is more than willing to adopt the findings, with Enda Kenny whipping out his Dáil divining-rods and picking up a "sense of terror" from Government benches ( The Irish Times, November 15th).

When a subsequent poll questions his credibility as party leader, however, a party spokesman dismisses it out of hand as "fantasy politics". - Yours, etc,

ADAM TRODD, Stillorgan, Co Dublin.

Madam, - What an achievement! It took President Bush eight years to get his approval ratings down into the mid-twenties. Brian Cowen did it in six months. - Yours, etc,

ADRIAN CARROLL, Gladstone Street, Clonmel, Co Tipperary.

Madam, - The Americans have got change they can believe in. At home, wouldn't be nice to have leadership we can believe in? - Yours, etc,

PAUL O'CONNELL, Dublin 18.