On your bike – with a helmet

Sir, – I would like to commend Sgt Claire Healy of the Dublin Metropolitan region traffic unit's for her comments regarding cyclists safety issues (Home News, April 13th).

In particular, her comment, “You wouldn’t send your child out on a bike without a helmet, so why not have the same protection yourself?”

Sgt Healy also stated that while some people felt bicycle helmets would be difficult to police, the same was said about helmets and other safety kit for motorcyclists when they were first made compulsory.

If there is one thing that convinced otherwise stubborn bikers to don a crash helmet back in the day of long hair, denim and clogs, it was the fact that manufacturers made the helmets more appealing by making the helmets look “cool”.


I know it sounds simplistic, but nobody rides motorbikes without a crash helmet on public roads in Ireland nowadays.

Road safety is paramount for those on two wheels and Sgt Healy’s comments are to be welcomed and encouraged. – Yours, etc,


Clongriffin, Dublin 13.