Old boys of Belvedere

Madam, - I very much enjoyed RTE's recent programme on William Martin Murphy

Madam, - I very much enjoyed RTE's recent programme on William Martin Murphy. Like many others I found the conflict between him and Jim Larkin very distressing because of the hardship caused to the workers and their families.

During the course of the programme it was mentioned that Murphy went to Belvedere College. I attended the same school in the 1940s and early 1950s and at that time Jim Larkin's grandson Jim was also there. He was a very nice, quiet fellow who joined the union movement afterwards and sadly died a few years ago.

Incidentally, William Martin Murphy was a co-founder and financier of the Belvedere News-Boys Club (now the Belvedere Youth Club) which in those days (and now) did so much to help the poor of the inner city. - Yours, etc,



Georgian Village,

Dublin 15.