Offshore Operations

A chara, - In light of the news from Margaretta D'Arcy (May 11th) that Women on Waves are to present the Irish people with the…

A chara, - In light of the news from Margaretta D'Arcy (May 11th) that Women on Waves are to present the Irish people with the gift of a ship offshore which will help "prevent unwanted pregnancy and unsafe abortions throughout the world", your readers may also be uplifted at an item of news I read recently in the San Francisco Chronicle.

In the aftermath of the Dutch decision to legalise euthanasia, an Australian doctor is planning to provide such a service on board ship for countries that are so short-sighted as not to make this service available. Perhaps his philanthropic purpose will be to help prevent unwanted terminal illness and unsafe euthanasia.

In this Brave New World, what vision do we, the Irish people, offer? How can the various Christian bodies, women and men together, present a vision of a gospel of life, in season and out of season? - Is mise,

Padraig McCarthy, Oakland, California, USA.