Northern Ireland Agreement

Sir, - I am sure that Steven King, the special advisor to the UUP, is correct when he suggests that it is necessary for politicians…

Sir, - I am sure that Steven King, the special advisor to the UUP, is correct when he suggests that it is necessary for politicians in the Republic to show restraint in the approach to the referendums. The advice, however, seems hypocritical in the extreme coming from the representative of a party, one of whose senior members was shown the other night on Canadian television comparing the possible entry of Sinn Fein into government in Northern Ireland to allowing Hitler into a synagogue! The offence thereby wantonly offered to the memory of those who suffered so appalling under the Nazis, simply to score a cheap point in a discussion, is an indication of how far some unionist politicians have yet to go in acquiring a modicum of sensitivity in speech. And as to Sinn Fein, did not the agreement of Friday April 10th pretend to be inclusive? - Yours, etc.,

Noel Murphy

Peterborough, Ontario, Canada.