Normalising the Irish freak show

Sir, – I wish to compliment your writer Fintan O’Toole on his article regarding the recent debt deal (Opinion, February 12th…

Sir, – I wish to compliment your writer Fintan O’Toole on his article regarding the recent debt deal (Opinion, February 12th). The clarity of his article has hit the nail on the head. – Yours, etc,



Ballyboughal, Co Dublin.

Sir, – I see Fintan O’Toole’s hyperbole continues unbounded, “Perhaps most importantly, the Government has incurred in this deal a huge hidden cost – the loss of the sense of justice, dignity and national self respect that is crucial to the building of a successful society” (Opinion, February 12th). Well done, Mr O’Toole, you’ll get Fianna Fáil re-elected if it kills you! – Yours, etc,


Loreto Grange,

Bray, Co Wicklow.