No respect for the taxpayer

Madam, – At this point I have come to accept that: 1

Madam, – At this point I have come to accept that: 1. Our taxes are required to make up for the near-criminal shortcomings of our politicians and bank managements and 2. I will have no choice nor say in the matter.

However, what I would like in return from all of those involved in this process, whether the banks, politicians or Nama, is that they would show even a modicum of respect to all of us who, along with our children and perhaps even our grandchildren yet to come, have been dragged into this, despite having no hand, act or part in the cause.

Nama doing deals to develop property in London to save the skins of some investors, a bank hosting expensive hospitality at a sports event, the politically-appointed chairman of a bank we now own refusing to provide us with information to which we are entitled – not one of these situations indicates that there is an ounce of gratitude or respect for what the taxpayers of this country have done for them.

I know our billions will never be seen again; that tax paid on hard-earned pay has been handed over to people to whom I would not wish to give a cent in order to save their skins and keep their private aircraft flying. However, I, for one, am fed up with the way that I am being treated by politicians, bank managements and Nama. It is time it stopped. – Yours, etc,


Templeroan Close,


Dublin 16.