Nigerian elections

Madam, - If the independent observers are to be believed, Olesugun Obasanjo's re-election as president of Nigeria is more a testament…

Madam, - If the independent observers are to be believed, Olesugun Obasanjo's re-election as president of Nigeria is more a testament to his ability to rig a vote than a measure of his popularity. Yet again an African election has been bought by the rich and powerful at the expense of the poor and vulnerable.

This not only disenfranchises the vast bulk of African people, it also weakens their chances of overcoming the problems that continue to afflict the continent condemning millions to lives of misery and hardship that have changed little since biblical times.

The West has a duty to help Africa overcome these problems which include poverty, famine, and HIV/AIDs, but the ultimate solutions must come from within Africa itself. Without credible and honest leadership the people of Africa will struggle in vain and their suffering seems set to continue. - Yours etc.,

JOHN O'SHEA, GOAL, Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin.