Murphy report

Sir, – The publication of the final chapters of the Murphy report confirms once again the appalling activities and attitudes of the hierarchy of the Irish Roman Catholic Church and its complete indifference to the civil law of this country, as well as a total and cynical lack of consideration for the unfortunate victims of the paedophile priests whose protection seemed to be the overriding concern of their bishops.This is sharp and complete contrast to the public utterances of the same bishops and their masters in the Vatican state who to this day continue to lecture the rest of us with regard to the sacredness of all human life and the absolute need to cherish all children regardless of political, social, ethnic or religious background.

Add to this the servile and supine attitude of the Garda and certain government officials whose sole concern seemed to be the necessity of deferring to their religious overlords, with little or no consideration being given to the victims of clerical crime and certainly no regard being given to their legal obligations under Irish civil law.

This catalogue of abuse, disregard for the law and subservience to the laws and policies of a foreign state, highlights the absolute need to work immediately for the separation in this country of church and State. This needs to begin at a constitutional level and work its way down to the most basic levels of health and education, to cite but two examples.

The Roman Catholic Church, like all representative social and religious groups and organisations in the State, is of course free to lobby and advocate for its particular point of view but it needs to understand that this must take place within the parameters of Irish civil law and that its allegiance and duty is to the people of Ireland and not to canon law and the Vatican.


Perhaps the members of the hierarchy need to consider whether or not their loyalty lies with the Irish State of which they are citizens, or with the Vatican, whose representatives they are in Ireland. – Yours, etc,


Newtown Road,


Co Kildare.