Montrose Accents

A chara, - RTE the national promoter of "R-dropping and vowel-squeezing" (as described by Risteard O Gallochabhair, July 27th…

A chara, - RTE the national promoter of "R-dropping and vowel-squeezing" (as described by Risteard O Gallochabhair, July 27th), will be very pleased at O Gallochabhair's light-hearted suggestion of a GOB (Guard our brogue) society. Anything but inform us why they require this particular accent from their newsreaders.

Call it the Roundabout Accent, call it the Dart Accent, call it the Dublin 4 Accent, but distract attention from RTE. Over the years our national broadcasting service has refused to explain why this is the accent chosen to broadcast to the plain people of Ireland. It has befogged the issue with euphemisms about "the correct way to speak", "the accent best understood by most people," "the best and most suited".

I challenge RTE to explain. - Is mise,

Flann O Riain, Eatharlach, Co Thiobraid Arann.