Millennium Monument

Sir, - As a woman and a Dubliner I feel affronted by the negative and somewhat misogynous perception in your Editorial of November…

Sir, - As a woman and a Dubliner I feel affronted by the negative and somewhat misogynous perception in your Editorial of November 26th of the few public sculptures in Dublin that have distinctly feminine associations: "Ann Livia . . . better and more aptly [my emphasis] known as the "floozie in the jacuzzi"; "the hags with the bags"; "the tart with the cart".

This is coupled with the almost orgasmic acceptance by your Environment Correspondent of the new steel erection which will be the phallic (oops!, focal) point of the main street of the capital. A bit of popular Freudian analysis of the Editorial might reveal a belief in the suitability of the new monument to usher in the age of Viagra as much as the new millennium. - Yours, etc., Bernadette O'Sullivan,

St Bridget's Place, Galway.