Mediators' Institute

Madam, - Given the publicity around mediation as a result of Carol Coulter's excellent report (October 31st), I thought it would…

Madam, - Given the publicity around mediation as a result of Carol Coulter's excellent report (October 31st), I thought it would be helpful to readers to have some information in relation to The Mediators' Institute of Ireland (MII).

The MII is the professional body of mediators in Ireland. Before an MII mediator is approved to practise they must have been appropriately trained and have passed an assessment of competence of skills in and knowledge of mediation. Each year, the mediator must apply for a practising certificate from the MII and this will only be issued if the mediator signs up to the code of ethics, confirms that they have professional indemnity insurance and commits to continuing professional development.

The MII has open and transparent complaints and disciplinary procedures and the majority of members on the complaints and disciplinary panels are non- mediators. In order to provide objective regulation, in the absence of statutory regulation, the MII has placed a great deal of emphasis on governance and its processes and procedures are all available on its website

MII mediators work mainly in civil and commercial, community, family and workplace disputes and details of qualifications and experience of individual mediators are available on the website.


- Yours, etc,

KAREN ERWIN, President, The Mediators' Institute of Ireland, Montana House, Whitechurch, Dublin 16.