Massacre In Omagh

Sir, - We are two young girls who are saddened by the bomb in Omagh last Saturday

Sir, - We are two young girls who are saddened by the bomb in Omagh last Saturday. We listen to the radio and we hear what people say. They say the bombers are sick people and they should be shot, but we say they should be put in prison for the rest of their sad lives and let them live with their guilt.

Those people lost their lives just because sick people wanted their own way. They were at the wrong place at the wrong time. We think bombs are a waste of time. If you people who did this are out there, you will be caught. Stop now and think what you are doing. Please stop making bombs. We are saddened and distressed about this mess.

Does everyone have to suffer? - Yours, etc., Maria O'Brien (age 12), Claire Percival (age 10), Springfield Close,

Clane Road,

