Massacre In Colorado

Sir, - A man interviewed on CNN said that the only way he would give up his "right to bear arms" would be when his gun chambers…

Sir, - A man interviewed on CNN said that the only way he would give up his "right to bear arms" would be when his gun chambers were empty, the barrels were still hot because of his defence of that right, and he lay dead.

With attitudes such as that from parents in the US, is it any wonder immature teenagers are running amok with firearms, having been taught to shoot, often from the age of five? If it wasn't so tragic, it would be almost amusing to listen to the authorities, Clinton included, throw their arms up in horror and ask why and how could such an atrocity happen. It's not hard to understand why, if the culture of firearm adoration is recognised for what it is, not cloaked in language first used to facilitate early musket-carrying settlers in their pursuit of wild game with which to feed their families. - Yours, etc.,Robert O'Sullivan,


Co Cork.