Marriage And Society

Sir, - Vera Hughes (January 26th), in addressing the falling marriage rates and the increasing extra-marital birth rate, clearly…

Sir, - Vera Hughes (January 26th), in addressing the falling marriage rates and the increasing extra-marital birth rate, clearly outlines a dilemma in Irish society that has been ignored by politicians, the clergy and the public far too long.

For the most part she is correct in her reasoning as to why modern marriages are breaking down at an alarming rate. Lack of religious belief, permissiveness, overuse of drugs and alcohol and many other factors contribute to failed marriages. Are we then to believe that all these evil phenomena have suddenly materialised and created havoc with the sacrament of marriage in the past decade or two? Irish society is deluding itself if it thinks "failed" marriages didn't exist until recent times. Perhaps modern Ireland is simply throwing off the chains of hypocrisy when we see many young couples refusing to enter into restrictive relationships they know will not endure for a lifetime or accepting divorce as the only viable solution to an intolerable marriage that is far beyond reconciliation.

Mrs Hughes's proposal that the government mandate premarital counselling as a solution to a complex societal problem is commendable, but I fear that, if ever enacted into law, this would be treated with the same disdain as double yellow lines, speed limits and anti-litter laws. - Yours, etc., Edward D. Rafferty,

Grattan Terrace, Grogans Road, Wexford Town.