Man's mortal span

Sir, - I was indeed "stepping with hope into our New Century" (Editorial, January 1st and 3rd) until I read to the second paragraph…

Sir, - I was indeed "stepping with hope into our New Century" (Editorial, January 1st and 3rd) until I read to the second paragraph.

I could hardly believe my eyes! There, printed was: "Man fixes his physical existence by the contours of the earth under his feet and by the framework of days which marks his mortal span."

My hope vanished and was replaced by fury at blood-boiling levels. What hope can I have in our new century when it clearly belongs to men alone and women continue to be denied their physical existence and their mortal span?

What lessons learnt from the various struggles for inclusion, human rights, etc from our last century, if we continue to exclude over 50 per cent of the world's population.


I make no apology. I am here - I do exist. - Yours, etc.,

Deirdre Healy, Upper Dorset Street, Dublin 1.