Male victims of domestic violence

Sir, – The proposed new statutory agency to oversee the State's response to domestic violence is to be welcomed (News, February 15th). One key group of victims in particular will hope for a dramatic change in how the State considers domestic violence. We know from extensive data that around one in three victims of domestic violence are men. Evidence has shown that these men are overwhelmingly the victims of female perpetrators, yet face unique challenges to speaking up, being believed and getting support. In spite of the numbers affected, no refuge spaces and limited funding are available to support this group of victims. Thankfully the Minister for Justice has previously shown an openness toward this group of victims that hasn't always been present in Government.

It is imperative that this group is not left behind when the new statutory agency proposed by the Minister is established. Equally it is imperative that the distinct needs of this group are catered for, with adequate funding and resources and with guidance from groups who have specific experience of dealing with the needs of male survivors of domestic violence. Most importantly, this must be provided in a way that doesn’t dilute the existing and necessary funding for victims of domestic violence but rather one that provides substantial additional and desperately needed resources for male victims. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 11.