Listen before you lash

Madam, - Shane O'Rourke (November 12th) delivers a good, old-fashioned, almost episcopal lash to Breda O'Brien for her alleged…

Madam, - Shane O'Rourke (November 12th) delivers a good, old-fashioned, almost episcopal lash to Breda O'Brien for her alleged right-wingery, lop-sided morality and supposed support of George W. Bush. We are excellent on this side of the Atlantic at labelling others as right-wing or left-wing, conservative or liberal, black or white. It's so tempting and often deeply satisfying, but it absolves us from ever having to walk even one mile in the other's shoes.

If Mr O'Rourke were in the habit of reading what Breda O'Brien actually writes he might have realised that, despite their differences on some issues, he might find very litlle disagreement on many others - including ones he mentioned himself, such as capital punishment, war, poverty, racism and the environment.

But it is so much easier to assume, to lable, to gripe. It's so much easier not to engage with the possibility of nuance or with different points of view. And I think that's what Breda O'Brien was getting at when she wondered if the Democrats would have the humility to listen to the voters who said "No" to them on this occasion. - Yours, etc.,

ANNE MULLIGAN, Killeen Road, Dublin 6.