Life of William O'Brien

Madam, - May I appeal to your readers with respect to a biography I am researching on William O'Brien (1881-1968), who was general…

Madam, - May I appeal to your readers with respect to a biography I am researching on William O'Brien (1881-1968), who was general secretary of the Irish Transport and General Workers Union (ITGWU) from 1924 to 1945? He left a large amount of written and printed material, but personal memories of the man are largely lacking.

I should be greatly helped by any personal or family memories or anecdotal information about William O'Brien the human being - his personality, temperament, traits, actions, etc., - and, of course, by any information about further written material by him or to him. A recollection that seems brief or unimportant may prove illuminating and helpful overall. - Yours, etc.,

THOMAS J. MORRISSEY, Manresa House, Dollymount, Dublin 3.