Leaders, what leaders?

Sir, – I am delighted to see Dan O’Brien, Economics Editor (Business This Week, June 1st), highlighting what I believe to be…

Sir, – I am delighted to see Dan O’Brien, Economics Editor (Business This Week, June 1st), highlighting what I believe to be a very important issue in Irish politics, which is that we do not have people who are demonstrating any kind of leadership at this time.

Witness the recent contributions to the fiscal treaty debate. Those in Government often made conflicting comments and then had to withdraw or revise them in light of mature reflection! The obligation of people who are elected by the body politic is to provide leadership for all the people of this country. Most of our TDs seem to be happy to keep their own few followers happy and are really local politicians, but there are none taking care of the national interest to the level that we need.

While I agree with Dan O’Brien that the problem is a failing of our political system, I also feel that the calibre of person putting themselves forward for election is a major issue. Our willingness to elect these people is no way a reflection on our electorate: they can only vote on what is put in front of them; but it leads to serious issues on whether we are fit to govern ourselves! – Is mise,


Butterfield Park,


Dublin 14.