Lack of political leadership

Madam, - A question for readers: If you were on a sinking ship, would you (a) sit down and await your fate; (b) sit around complaining…

Madam, - A question for readers: If you were on a sinking ship, would you (a) sit down and await your fate; (b) sit around complaining about the engineers who designed the ship; or (c) flock to the lifeboats?

It seems to me that while our economy is sinking into the most turbulent waters it has faced so far, most of the political representatives in this country are engaging in the first two activities, while the pubic are frantically seeking the third.

So please, for the sake of the country, could Fianna Fáil stop looking so defeated and start fighting for the country again and could the other parties stop merely leering at the engineers with a superior air and start presenting practical solutions? The country is looking for leaders - not whingers, not reactionaries and certainly not inactive gloaters. A coherent, strong strategy for alleviating the current crisis could inspire this country and help get it back on its feet.

It is the person or people, regardless of political party, who present this that will do well in the next election, will gain the respect of the Irish people and will contribute most to the welfare of this country. Winners before whingers, inspiration before inactivity and patriots before politicians, please! - Yours, etc,




Dublin 16.