La Traviata

Sir, - With reference to "Traviata Travesty" (April 21st) may I answer: "Traviata Triumph"?

Sir, - With reference to "Traviata Travesty" (April 21st) may I answer: "Traviata Triumph"?

It was a relief to see Opera Ireland move away from the predictable pomp of traditional opera setting with such an innovative use of space.

Designer Veronique Seyonat's scenography presented the perfect metaphor for Verdi's drama and pathos.

The stark reality of a bare stage juxtaposed with luxurious red velvet signified consumptive Violetta's demise in the midst of opulent 19th-century Parisan salons.


Let Opera Ireland continue to challenge and excite Irish audiences, says one new convert. - Yours, etc., C. Byrne,

Stillorgan Road, Dublin 4.