Ivor Callely On Asylum-Seekers

Sir, - The excellent piece by Jack O'Connor ("New dangers in immigrants plan", Opinion, November 23rd) shows us that SIPTU has…

Sir, - The excellent piece by Jack O'Connor ("New dangers in immigrants plan", Opinion, November 23rd) shows us that SIPTU has a social consciousness that sometimes is not reported in the media.

As a shop steward representing 600 workers in Waterford, I am well aware of the huge levels of inequality in today's modern industrial Ireland. Female workers earning well below the rates of their male counterparts are just one example. In relation to immigrant workers, most of us want to ensure that they are fully integrated into our society and given equal rights and status. This is in contrast to those extremists of the far-right who desire to portray immigrants as villainous, lazy, criminal and a burden to our society.

Without a clear policy that sets out to eliminate social inequality on a wider scale, the current initiative by the Government (work visa plan), although welcome, is a temporary measure that does not appear to have been fully thought out. Furthermore, it has the potential to feed the hot-bed of racial tension that is currently developing in this country.

Mr O'Connor's suggestion that immigrant workers be encouraged to become members of trade unions is a point that is both positive for immigrants and for the trade union movement in general. The best way to remove racism and social exclusion in our society is through integration and inclusion. The trade union movement can lead the way in this regard.


Successive governments have turned a blind-eye to this growth in racial tension and failed to ensure that the rights of all immigrant and migrant workers are justly protected. The UN Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Their Families still remains a paper document only. Even though it was adopted in 1990, to date only nine countries have ratified it. Ireland is not one of them. Twenty ratifications are needed for it to be used as a legal document. I strongly urge this Government to ratify now. - Yours, etc.,

Terry Bryan, SIPTU Shop Steward, Hasbro Ireland, Cherrymount, Waterford.