Islamic values and tolerance

Madam, - I write in relation to comments made by the leader of the British Conservative Party published in your edition of January…

Madam, - I write in relation to comments made by the leader of the British Conservative Party published in your edition of January 31st.

The Supreme Muslim Council of Ireland would like to say that it believes that the rule of civil law, the democratic system of representation in government, the protection of the rights of women and minorities and the freedom of thought and belief - under all of which we live here in Ireland - are not only compatible with Islamic values but are closer to the ethos and spirit of tolerance, pluralism and peace in Islam and better serve the Irish Muslim community than the undemocratic regimes and the draconian judicial systems found in some predominately Muslim countries today. - Yours, etc,

MOHAMMED ALKABOUR, Secretary-General, Supreme Muslim Council of Ireland, Dublin 8.