Irish foreign aid commitment

Madam, - The Irish national committees of the Methodist Church in Ireland met in Belfast on October 13th

Madam, - The Irish national committees of the Methodist Church in Ireland met in Belfast on October 13th. In the overseas mission committee and the world development and relief committee, of which I am the convener, serious concern was expressed over the statement by junior minister Conor Lenihan that it might not be possible to meet the Irish commitment to reach the United Nations aid target of 0.7 per cent of GNP by the year 2007.

The Methodist Church had been very heartened by the commitment of the Taoiseach to reach this UN target in his well-publicised address to the world leaders' Millennium Summit at the United Nations headquarters in New York. Indeed, for many Methodists throughout Ireland, it was a moment of pride that Mr Ahern had given this commitment to the movement to tackle world poverty. Ireland, as a small nation, was giving a clear lead within the world community and we were happy to applaud that.

It was good to read in Monday's Irish Times of the reaffirmation of the millennium commitment to the 0.7 per cent UN overseas aid target by the Taoiseach in his Bodenstown speech. It would be even better news to read of a definite commitment as to how this target is to be reached.

With a clear way forward to reach the 2007 aid target the millennium pledge may become a reality without annual arguments at the time of the pre-budget debate. - Yours, etc.,




Irish Methodist World

Development and

Relief Committee,

Maypark Lane,
