Irish farming and GM food

Madam, - As a farmer and food producer, I am deeply shocked by the current campaign to force GM food down the throats of unwilling…

Madam, - As a farmer and food producer, I am deeply shocked by the current campaign to force GM food down the throats of unwilling Irish consumers. This campaign is being orchestrated by official spokespersons for the animal feed industry with the support of our main farming organisation and a very prominent farming publication.

The fact that the Irish Grain and Feed Association has admitted that the price of feed containing GMOs is now heavily discounted, and can be purchased at up to €35 a tonne cheaper than "GM-free" feed is incontestable proof that the overwhelming rejection by European consumers of GM food has been reflected worldwide. Fewer and fewer people are prepared to expose themselves to the risks of consuming GMOs. We should protect the Irish farming industry and not become involved in making a "quick buck" by destroying the integrity and world renowned quality of food produced in Ireland. - Yours, etc,

JOHN HENEY, Kilfeacle, Co Tipperary.