Irish charities in Romania

Madam, - I was pleased to see the letters from John Milligan, chairman of Focus on Romania, and Mark Coen (September 4th and …

Madam, - I was pleased to see the letters from John Milligan, chairman of Focus on Romania, and Mark Coen (September 4th and 5th).

Both came in reply to a scathing article by Ann McElhinney and Phelim McAleer (Weekend, August 30th).

The suggestion that "Irish charities have no understanding of Romanian children's lives" is quite unbelievable, because for 10 years Irish volunteers have lifted unfed, unwashed, unwanted and unloved children from cots, soaked in urine and vomit, and given them a chance to feel human again.

They have planted the seed of hope. A new day is dawning for these children.


So, to John Mulligan of Focus Romania, and to every other volunteer who brought a smile to the face of a frightened, abandoned child, I say: forget McElhinney and McAleer. Like Shakespeare's Gratiano they speak "an infinite deal of nothing".

Keep up the good work and be certain that the God of peace and reconciliation will walk step by step with you all, until you have accomplished what you set out to do.I applaud your efforts. - Yours, etc.,

ANN T. McDERMOTT, Knappagh Road, Sligo.