Insight of fee-paying pupils

Sir, – As a teacher who has come from an “advantaged” background and who has worked for 34 years in schools with children from disadvantaged backgrounds, I continue to be disappointed by letters such as Mark Hurley’s (March 22nd). Running a fund-raiser and giving of your time to support the “less well off elderly citizens of” anywhere gives zero insight to how it is for the citizens of this State young and old, who through no fault of their own have to depend on the services of our State to provide them with food, housing and education.

The only question such parents have to answer is: If there are two schools at your doorstep, one with no fees and taking every applicant without question, the other with fees and selecting by test; which would you like your child to be in?

Yes, we all fall into the trap of “wanting the best for our children”. But don’t pretend that a few generous thoughts and gestures give our children any insight or empathy into how the other half lives.

The children of less advantaged backgrounds and non-fee-paying schools are as likely to be “well-balanced, decent individuals, who will make major contributions to Irish society” as the “lads from Presentation College” given the same resources during their formative years. – Yours, etc,



Lohunda Park, Clonsilla,

Dublin 15.