Incineration figures

A chara, - The Danish Ambassador, Mr Tygesen (January 11th) disputes my claim that his country incinerates 60 per cent of its…

A chara, - The Danish Ambassador, Mr Tygesen (January 11th) disputes my claim that his country incinerates 60 per cent of its waste.

The sources of my information are:

1. "Waste Management: Changing Our Ways". (September 1998), a policy statement by Mr Noel Dempsey TD, Minister for the Environment (Page 5, Figure 4).

2. "Waste Management Practices and Recycling Internationally" (June 2000) a report to Galway City Councillors by Mr. P.J. Rudden of M.C. O'Sullivan, consulting engineers (Page 2, Table 1). As Messrs Dempsey and Rudden are the chief proponents of introducing incineration into Ireland, one wonders what other "incorrect figures" are included in their waste plans. - Is mise, Dr


Conchur O Bradaigh, Galway for a Safe Environment, Bruckey, Castlegar, Galway.