Imminent ban on smoking

Madam, - My deepest sympathy to the Irish people for what they will have to endure in the coming weeks and months

Madam, - My deepest sympathy to the Irish people for what they will have to endure in the coming weeks and months. Being a Californian, I understand the relentless propaganda that will rain down upon you from tobacco interests which want to see the smoking ban fail. They have a short window of opportunity to make the last promotion of their self-serving lies. Soon it will be evident to all, including smokers, that the smoking ban is wise and profitable.

For many years I have had a standing invitation from Irish friends to visit your beautiful country. As a person with respiratory disease I was forced to decline their hospitality. This year I will reconsider the invitation.

My hat goes off to Health Minister, Mr Martin for his courage and conviction. His decision puts Ireland in a respectful place within the European Union. Perhaps the rest of Europe will soon understand that the right to breathe is one of the most basic human rights - and always supersedes the need to feed an addiction. - Yours, etc.,

ROBERT STARKEY, Beaver Street,San Francisco, USA.


Madam, - Smoking is the main cause of cancer of the larynx or voice-box. The leaf-shaped structure at the top end of the larynx is the epiglottis and cancer of the epiglottis has been called "Publican's Disease". In the words of Have Emerson, physician and epidemiologist (1874-1957), "The prevention of disease is for the most part a matter of education, the cost is moderate, the results certain and easily demonstrated".

Is it a case of saving the publicans from themselves and their customers? - Yours, etc.,


Mr KEVIN MANNING, FRCSI, Department of Ear, Nose, Throat/Head & Neck Surgery, Mid Western Regional Hospital, Limerick.

Madam, - Any suggestions for new uses for redundant ashtrays? - Yours, etc.,

TONY CORCORAN, Fairbrook Lawn, Rathfarnham, Dublin 14.