Ibec and career guidance

Sir, – I find it incredible that Ibec sees fit to undermine and discredit an entire professional body such as guidance counsellors and that your newspaper fails to challenge this stance ("Schools career guidance not fit for purpose, says Ibec", News, September 3rd).

The Minister for Education has repeatedly failed to reinstate fully schools’ guidance provision after savage cutbacks, and at a time of growing awareness of mental health issues and with the department flooding schools with wellbeing literature, it is sadly ironic. This has not stopped those working in the field supporting students in their transition from primary to secondary, advising students on subject choice as they begin senior cycle and in a plethora of other areas that compete for all too precious time in busy school life.

Ibec in its wisdom suggest: “More engagement by business with the careers services in schools and colleges”.

I respectfully suggest that powerful lobby groups remain outside the school gates and that all our students continue to benefit from the care and support they receive in school in order to flourish and make a positive contribution to our society. – Yours, etc,




Co Cork.