Housing Ukrainian refugees

Sir, – The impossibility of providing suitable accommodation for large numbers of Ukrainian refugees was obvious all along ("Concerns increase over ability to house refugees", News, April 11th).

Given the numbers involved, their desire to maintain contact with their menfolk fighting in Ukraine and their wish to return home as soon as possible, there was a more effective alternative. That was to transfer Irish State refugee funding to the Polish government and to established local charities in Ukraine, Slovakia, Hungary and Moldova who would then provide local, more sustainable solutions.

At the root of the problem is the EU’s policy of farming out refugees and migrants throughout Europe.

That may seem like a great idea to the virtue signallers in Dáil Éireann, RTÉ and the marbled halls of Ireland’s legion of NGOs but the real world isn’t a scaled-up Sandymount Green. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 13.