Horse meat and health implications

Sir, – Have I missed something? In the extensive coverage of the beef crisis, I see no comment (or outrage) about the fact that…

Sir, – Have I missed something? In the extensive coverage of the beef crisis, I see no comment (or outrage) about the fact that very large blocks of frozen beef/horse meat were being moved around Europe and eventually ended up as frozen burgers, etc.

We have long been told of the health risks attached to refreezing defrosted food. How is the conversion from large frozen blocks into burgers managed without health risk?

Perhaps this is one case where some investigative journalism is called for. The health and safety people seem to be ignoring it. – Yours, etc,


Harbour Village,


Co Clare.

Sir, – In response to M Ross-MacDonald’s letter (February 19th), the French horse butchers are called boucheries chevalines. Perhaps the Irish version should become chevaleen? – Yours, etc,



Co Tipperary.