Home schooling and inspection

Sir, – The controversy surrounding the jailing of Monica O'Connor has nothing to do with the merits or demerits of home schooling ("Home schooling mother jailed and released for not paying fine", September 3rd). It is about the duty of the State to regulate the services provided to its citizens, and the duty of its citizens to comply with such regulation.

In every area of public service by the State there are calls for regular and thorough systems of regulation – in our hospitals, our prisons, the services provided by An Garda Síochána, and in our education and examination system. Far from being unsupportive to families who choose to home-school their children, the State supports such choice but insists on its regulation, on a regular, not a one-off basis.

Ms O’Connor, in refusing to submit to such regulation, has done no service to families who share her choice of education system. – Yours, etc,



Newtown Avenue,


Co Dublin.