Helping suicidal young people

Sir, – Brian Hutton (Home News, February 18th) wrote about "the failure to recruit specialist nurses to help hundreds of suicidal and self-harming youths who present at the State's children's hospitals each year".

Acknowledging that the medical model is sometimes necessary, research has shown that the talking therapies can be far more effective. Psychotherapists are employed in Pieta House and evidence there speaks for itself.

I wonder do those in the HSE realise that there are many fully-trained and accredited psychotherapists who are ready, willing and able to provide these services.

Psychotherapists have completed a rigorous, scientific, evidence-based and skills-based body of study to degree level, very often to a Master’s level. They are then required to provide 450 hours of counselling before they become accredited. In addition, they have undergone their own personal therapy and work under supervision throughout their careers. Do specialist nurses have this level of psychotherapy training?


So why are psychotherapists being ignored by the HSE? – Yours, etc,



Blackrock, Co Dublin.