Helping busy parents to find a balance

Madam, - Sylvia Thompson writes about the guilt-ridden, stressed-out, overstretched mothers struggling to cope with motherhood…

Madam, - Sylvia Thompson writes about the guilt-ridden, stressed-out, overstretched mothers struggling to cope with motherhood, career and being modern women (Life Features, July 7th). It does not, of course, have to be like that. Work-life balance measures can help both mothers and fathers cope better with the busy years of rearing children and working outside the home.

Adequate parental and maternity leave, flexible yet secure working arrangements, shorter working hours for parents of young children and affordable, accessible childcare offer parents what they need and deserve. Our society can be a balanced society where families are supported during the important years of child-rearing.

Childcare, pre-school education, after-school care and work-life balance measures are investments from which all of us can benefit. - Yours, etc,

KIRSI HANIFIN, Women and Equality Officer, The Labour Party, Dublin 2.