Sir, - I am writing in regard to your article (May 11th) concerning the submission of a logo for Ireland's EU presidency.

Sir, - I am writing in regard to your article (May 11th) concerning the submission of a logo for Ireland's EU presidency.

What an appalling waste of money! The sum spent for the logo is quoted as £17,011.92 for "six selected design consultants". The result of their efforts is far from original. Praise to our forefathers of 3,500 BC who came up with the design. What a pity they are not able to spend the £17,000+ where they are now!

Does the egg shape imply that the Government is hatching up more ways to squander thousands of pounds? Would it not have been far better to run a competition in schools (primary and/or secondary level)? Thus generating interest for our young people and at the same time spending a fraction of the cost on a prize for the winning pupil and the respective school.

It is just as well the otherwise they may topple as turn over in their graves! - Yours, etc.,


Sandford Road,


Dublin 6.