Harney private hospitals plan

Madam, - For some time now your Letters page has been carrying various views on Mary Harney's health plans

Madam, - For some time now your Letters page has been carrying various views on Mary Harney's health plans. There really is no need for this analysis. Mary Harney intends to privatise health in line with the American model, as outlined by Dr Timothy Lynch (August 17th). In the US, those with plenty of money are in most cases over-treated, while those with little money are under-treated.

It is within the area of healthcare that the consequence of the value system that is slowly being rolled over us is most vivid. All we need to know is that each of us will be treated on the basis of the number of silver coins we have in our pockets. As a result some people who become ill will die for lack of a silver coin or two. Surely the utmost in vulgarity. - Yours, etc,

JIM O'SULLIVAN, Rathedmond, Sligo.