Getting what we deserve

Madam, - While the apoplectic wit of Kevin Myers rages against the acceptance of venality and stupidity in our society, Mary …

Madam, - While the apoplectic wit of Kevin Myers rages against the acceptance of venality and stupidity in our society, Mary Harney and Michael McDowell try to prise our State from the withering claw of the insurance and legal industries and journalists such as Fintan O'Toole keep the unsavoury aspects of our culture in full public view, we, the resigned populace, read our papers, listen to the radio and watch television in moribund torpidity.

To effect some influence on our society, we the public should boycott all stores, restaurants and services that overcharge; should not boycott local councils charges when they are finally trying to take responsibility for the environment, water and recycling; should refuse all products and services from companies shown to be involved in unethical practices; and should not disgrace ourselves by re-electing dubious politicians.

Last year Ireland was named as one of the most corrupt countries in Europe by the British charity the Rowntree Trust. This should have been a wake up-call. Many of my acquaintances consider themselves decent people yet feel that somehow corruption is endemic to Irish society. They shrug when I point out that the Scandinavian countries have not suffered economically from their probity. If we, the people of Ireland, continue to practice laissez-faire democracy we deserve what we have. - Yours, etc.,

TONY DOLAN, Swords, Co Dublin.