Georgian Carving

Sir, - In a short piece about the beautiful, carved overdoor by John Kelly coming up for sale in Mealy's of Castlecomer next …

Sir, - In a short piece about the beautiful, carved overdoor by John Kelly coming up for sale in Mealy's of Castlecomer next Wednesday (The Irish Times, February 27th), it was not mentioned that this superb 18th-century architectural feature is original to No. 20 Dominick Street, Dublin. This is one of Dublin's most important houses.

The Irish Georgian Society, among others, assisted in the replacement of the correct windows to the front elevation and the spectacular interior stuccowork by Robert West is being restored, with help from the World Monuments Funds. The house is owned, and lovingly cared for, by the National Youth Federation, which has have managed over the past few years to buy two of the original John Kelly overdoors. It would be a great shame if the federation was not able to acquire the third, plus doorcase and door; the original setting awaits them. - Yours, etc.,

Mary Byran, B. Arch, Conservation Officer, Irish Georgian Society, Merrion Square, Dublin 2.