Genetically Modified Food

Sir, - One of the features of the current debate on GMOs is that Europeans tend to believe environmentalists and to distrust …

Sir, - One of the features of the current debate on GMOs is that Europeans tend to believe environmentalists and to distrust information from state agencies. One such environment group, Genetic Concern, has now taken it upon itself to act as official guide to Superquinn shoppers on the subject of genetically modified foods.

It is entirely appropriate in any society that those concerned for the environment should have a strong voice. The current strong voice of environmental lobby groups was hard won by a previous generation of environmentalists, whose case was based on facts and accurate public information. Genetic Concern now carries the responsibility of maintaining the credibility of this voice by providing accurate information on its "tours".

We strongly believe that GM foods have a potential benefit to the Irish consumer. Perhaps the Superquinn "tourists" might like to compare the information received from Genetic Concern with that from competent sources such as the Food Safety Authority. Its recent report on GMOs is on its website at - Yours, etc.,

Jim Ryan, Director, BioResearch Ireland, Enterprise Ireland, Glasnevin, Dublin 9.